Sleep and Hot Tubs

Sleep Benefits of Hot Tubs:

Sleep researchers believe that many cases of insomnia can be traced to hectic, stressful lifestyles. The results of sleep deprivation are varied and may cause battered nerves, grogginess, lapses in memory, depression, and erratic mood swings. Soaking in a hot tub prior to going to bed can help allow for important stress relief and relaxation, leading to a deep and more peaceful sleep.
According to a study in the scientific journal Sleep, a drop in body temperature can help to ease the body into a relaxing and sound sleep.
  • Therefore it is suggested to take a 15-minute soak in a hot bath or hot tub (103F degrees) approximately 90 minutes before bedtime. This causes the body's internal thermostat to pull the body’s temperature down, enabling sleep to set in with ease.
  • Spa-induced relaxation and sleep is a natural remedy, unlike alternative sleeping aids such as prescription drugs, over-the-counter remedies and alcohol, which can make a person feel groggy and have other adverse side effects.
The National Sleep Foundation conducted a poll and found that approximately 132 million North Americans suffer from sleep disorders including mild to chronic insomnia, pauses in breathing and snoring.
  • The poll found that 48 percent of women and 38 percent of men suffer from insomnia more than one night a week. This number is on the rise as evidenced by the growing number of sleep disorder centers across the nation (approximately 3,000 in the U.S. today).
  • According to a sleep therapy center in Louisville, Ky., insomnia is the second most prevalent reason people go to the doctor (after pain).
For more information on the health benefits of hot tubs, visit the National Sleep Foundation’s website at
*Source: Helping yourself to a better night's sleep. (1999). National Sleep Foundation,
Reproduced with permission from  - HotSpring Spas.

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